Welcome to First Baptist Church of Pendleton!
Rooted in Faith and Growing in Love

April 3, 2022 · 10:45 am · Fifth Sunday of Lent

Mary pours out a precious gift to honor Jesus, an act which is criticized and misunderstood. Yet in this brazen act of beauty, she is a faithful disciple. Her faith is not measured or cautious but extravagant and generous. This act of love is an act of resistance against Jesus’ impending death. As the room is filled with the fragrance of the perfume, may we be full to the brim of love and devotion for Jesus.

Rev. Jennifer McClung Rygg will preach the sermon “Full to the Brim…Brazen Acts of Beauty.” Mark Snipes, Associate Coordinator for CBF Virginia, will read John 12:1-8. Wayne Patterson will give the Offertory Prayer. Richard Reynolds Huss will play “God’s Time Is Best” for the Call to Worship. Rev. Chris Cottingham will sing “Broken and Spilled Out.” The Sanctuary Choir will lead the anthem “O Sacred Head, Now Wounded.”

Featured image:
“Brazen Beauty” by Rev. Lisle Gwynn Garrity | A Sanctified Art LLC | sanctifiedart.org
Inspired by John 12:1-8 ∙ Acrylic on raw canvas with digital drawing

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John 12:1-8
Worship Guide

Our Lenten worship materials, Full to the Brim, include an affirmation and an art prompt for children each week. The affirmation will be part of the children’s sermon during the worship service.

This week’s affirmation is: I share love and beauty.
Art prompt: Create a beautiful jar to remind you to share the gifts of love and beauty with the world. What’s inside your jar?

