Welcome to First Baptist Church of Pendleton!
Rooted in Faith and Growing in Love

March 6, 2022 · 10:45 am · First Sunday of Lent

Rev. Jennifer McClung Rygg will preach the sermon “Full to the Brim – Even in the Desert” based on Luke 4:1-13.
Our Lenten theme this year, Full to the Brim, invites us to reflect on the ways God fills us with abundant grace. Even in times and places in our lives when we experience scarcity and temptation, God is with us. God’s presence strengthens us and sustains us, as it did Jesus in the desert.

Each Sunday during Lent, we will fill one of the glass containers on the altar table with an item relevant to that week’s theme. This week, may God fill us to the brim – even in the desert.

Featured image: “Temptations” by Hannah Garrity | Paper lace | A Sanctified Art LLC | sanctifiedart.org

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Luke 4:1-13

Worship Guide

Our Lenten worship materials, Full to the Brim, include an affirmation and an art prompt for children each week. The affirmation will be part of the children’s sermon during the worship service.

This week’s affirmation is I can make good choices. 

Art prompt: Create a desert scene to remember how Jesus made good choices while in the desert. What parts of the desert remind you of God?

